I’m putting together a library of Maureens marks up. So if you have saved your marks up you received from Maureen before she passed away and you want to share them with others, please contact me. Email [email protected]
I have had amazing results with the horses I've worked with.
This is a clients young draft, before and after, unbelievably this is after 4 months. Correct trimming and good nutrition transformed these feet.
Heels must land first. Long toes are the cause of almost all hoof problems. When you copy the ground the hoof will fix it’s self. Less is more. We read what the sole is telling us and trim accordingly. Good nutrition and 24 hour freedom to move. We ignore pathology.....The trim is always the same. We do not correct we let the hoof correct itself.
2 Beautiful Rock Crunching Hooves On the left 1/2 Draft The right an Andalusian
Both horses trimmed exactly the same way. The outer wall never rasped.
Hooves are Smart and with this trim hooves balance themselves. If your horse trips it’s because the hooves are unbalanced with long toes! If your horse always lands toe first they will develope navicular!
These Hooves are Never Rasped on the Outer Wall
The proof is in the Hoof, is it sound, balanced, are the angles correct? Hoof pics of my herd. With the HGM trim, hooves balance themselves we don't measure or force or fake anything. 6 totally different breeds, all totally different hooves. ages from 3 to 25. All trimmed with the same way, by mimicking the action of the ground.
Hoof Decontracting
.This hoof still has contracted heels, with more trims his frog will get the chance to improve even more.
These 2 photos are 12 minutes apart, the same hoof. This illustrates the flexibility of the back of the hoof and the frog. Addressing the toe shifts the weight to the back of the hoof. Amazing!
Which do you think looks better, healthier?
Lets look at these sole shots together from an HGM perspective. This is the same hoof, the one on the left is in the early stage of the HGM trim the one on the right is under a year later. The hoof on the left has a contracted and narrow, unhealthy frog, the heel bulbs are weak and the sole is pitted. this hoof is just in the beginning stages of the HGM trim, it was worse (the frog was even more contracted) before this picture. The hoof on the right shows a much better frog, nice big heel bulbs and healthier sole. Heels land first and the frog acts like a cushion when landing. Which would you prefer to land with? This hoof belongs to 1 of my horses. Meet Cinder a really nice Quarter horse. Before I started with the HGM trim she used to land toe first, and I have to admit I didn't really know this was a really serious problem. It is actually a really serious issue if it is not corrected, it will lead to navicular disease. You may think the hoof on the right looks a little wild, look at those heels! All I can say is this horse, Cinder, lands heel first and can now crunch on rocks and gravel totally barefoot.
Good frog health and heels landing first are most important to sound barefoot hooves. Scroll down to watch Cinder moving on nasty footing in the video.
These are the trim rules, these rules apply to every horse no matter what. We copy the effects of the ground on the hoof and let the hoof heal and balance itself. I’ve seen this work over and over and over.
Clean the hoof well.
Assess the hoof to see if it needs trimming, if the hoof wall is 1/8 of an inch or more above the sole, then it should be trimmed.
Bevel the wall to sole level with a 20 degree angle from the white line out from 8 to 4, then graduate up to the heel.
Leave the heels alone if they are a 1/4 of an inch above the sole.
If the heels are not even above the sole, rasp the higher heel to match the height of the lower heel.
Bevel the toe back to just in front of the sole ridge if it is present.
If no ridge is present on the sole only bevel to the white line.
Pull off any bits of frog that are loose and over lapping on the frog.
After this trim leave the hooves alone, assess after 4 weeks.
Movement Shows the Comfort and Soundness in the Hooves.
Models in the video are Bella, 14 year old Shire X Arab and Cinder, 9 year old Quarterhorse. Before I started the HGM trim Cinder would land toe first. Lucky for us that stopped and she didn’t get any long term issues like Navicular.
The horses are running on the worst icy conditions. What you see is total confidence in movement. The freedom in the shoulder comes from hooves that have heels and big healthy frogs and no pain.
Nice example of trot and canter on gravel....Thanks to my horses Star, 25 and Cinder, 10 for being great models.
What's on the Inside of the Hoof!
With the HGM trim like I am showing here, the trim is very simple, it's always same according to what the sole of the hoof is telling us it needs trimmed. Same trim rules apply to every hoof. There is no diagnosing of problems and trying to fix them, the trim alone will do this. You actually don't need to know what is inside the hoof. But knowledge of the internal hoof systems is very interesting. Here I have some really amazing 3D images of the internal structures of the hoof.